Day 2

With a little bit of luck we found the perfect place to be in peace, to imagine, to dream and to be yourself. In the middle of the sea you are free and you can inspire yourself. It´s an ideal situation to find yourself and make decisions.

The foam of the waves leads us to a bathtub where you are relaxing and thinking about life. This rocks looks like a submarine lost for decades, a submarine full of treasures, full of life and with a lot of stories to tell you. The infinte blue sea is in a yoga lesson disfrutating and enjoying.

Why the sea give us freedom? Because sea don´t judge you, just stay with you no matter what. Every sound, every wave more or less violent tell a story, like the one you are creating and thinking when you are looking at the sea.

We suggest you to find this kind of image, but in real life. Around your city, when you are travelling or when you are stressful. It help us more than we think: we receive more than we give!


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